


NegativeSoul said:

Would you even need a tank at an naval HQ? Especially one with magical transforming fleet girls? Unless of course that tank is actually a little girl as well, just transformed.

Funny story: the IJN actually had a tank stationed in front of the Navy Ministry building for most of WW2.

Not because they were worried about Allied commandos or anything, they just wanted to be prepared if the Army tried to attack them. Which seemed likely numerous times.

iridescent_slime said:

Isn't caging the poor girl a bit redundant? It's not like she's going to just walk away in that condition.

Just gotta make sure she doesn't roll anywhere inconvenient.

Saber's ahoge becoming ram-rod straight in the second-to-last panel, like the tail of a pissed-off dog, is what completes this comic.

"Long long ago, in this very town, three great Magi set out to hunt down God himself..."

"This is the best bedtime story ever!"

Yeah. According to Wikipedia the goat-headed things can mate with any species and produce kids, with the caveat that the children eventually EAT THEIR WAY OUT OF THE MOTHER. So, hope that image improves your fapping.

AbatedDust said:
Epic cardiac arrest reversal. That heart won't be attacking anything anytime soon.

It's a heart counter-attack.

That heart is resisting arrest.

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