


So did she go in the pool with her hair still tied, or she she dry it along with most of he upper body. with the exception of the right arm?

My my... such a naughty blade. I guess she doesn't tend to it as often as the anime shows her doing so.

ChaoticOne said:
sounds about right, unless they both have a common interest that they want dead and are planning some ultra horrific way to kill said target.




You heard it hear first!

ice73 said:
Fukken shaved.

Do I look like a child?

Of course I want curlies on my nuts!

er, vagina... Makoto FTW.

What's he do-.... oh no... he's gonna bang her like a drum, then steal her kidney!



But I still think the roles a little mixed up, since I usually see the woman doing such a thing.

So is this from Fate Zero, or just something to depict her feelings? Be it her being king, and just other stuff.

AshtonNauran said:
When they're too into you, don't give 'em a scoop. They'll take the whole bowl.


Wonki said:
Towering body, tiny head. Exactly as he is in the show

You do know he is that tall in the show, and that his width is expanded by his loose cloths... right?

vetusan said:
You know you want it, Shichika!

Weapons don't want women unless it handles the little things like traveling expenses and such things that don't need his bad ass-ness.

Anyte said:
Who cares? I don't miss them one bit.

I concur.

(Until we miss out on a wet shirt seen)

I think my heart just skipped a beat... I was seriously surpirsed by seeing this.

However, another part of me is screaming "FINALLY".