


Bromosexuals for life.

This about the only paring i can stand as a guy only because Kaworu is too funny with his comments.

The adult side of me says where do i get one.

The child side of me says where do i get one too.


RiderFan said:
*Takes Stitch*
"Now for the rest of you... Especially Brother Bear..."
*Pours gasoline on the box and lights a match."

Let me get the fox before you burn the rest.

zimmydoomday said:
*removes goggles*

Gentlemen. We have finally done it.

We've created the perfect woman.

Can you f*** it?

I would hug you... but then i'd lose my mind and crush you by hugging to tightly, but heres a milk carton in return.

chaosshade said:
She looks really fat in this image... a rare miss for juusuke...

Oh no, She just has a great ass.

DarkestPhoenix said:
I bet he tastes like Cyanide... is it a he? I am never quite sure...

QB tastes like candy, but the end effect is that of Cyanide.
It's called Baiting.

What the hell is wrong with her upper body, its like has none and all of her fat is in her thighs and ass. o.o