


Danzaiver said:
The more I look at this design, the more I hate it. The bling, the ridiculous hair, those long-ass skank nails, the glittery sword handle and sheath... I get that they wanted to make her overtly feminine, since apparently Taki wasn't feminine enough, but it should be possible to be feminine without being aggressively superficial and tacky.

Oh god, this. I bet her swords are hot pink and have hearts on them. The way this obnoxious design is, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Min1234 said:
Its more like those Bambino shadows.

Oh jesus those things were creepy as fuck. I was so freaked out when I saw them for the first time.

^ Again? Jesus, I've lost track of how many countdowns they've done so far. Really hoping this is the last one.

EDIT: Just went to the official website: there's a message up saying that the show will start in October.