


Coincidentally , in many anime, ojou-sama who like to drink green tea while wearing kimono, and always smiling is the type that looked innocent but can read people like open books. And in action manga , they are the badasses or masterminds.

So cute ><
I am sincerely wish that we have a tag for character kisses animal on the lip ( even if seperated by somthing like glass or a leaf).

I definitely have seen a pic similar to this in doraemon but i cant remember what gadget was used

SO CUTEEEEEE! I think is the cutest anime gif of big sis praising lil' sis and lil' sis acts embarrass you can find.

OOZ662 said:

@bangnhi No, I didn't vote on any comments here. Moderators and Admins can see deleted comments.

In case you weren't aware, downvoted comments can still be seen by clicking the Show All Comments link when some are hidden. You can also adjust the score at which your browser will hide the comments in your Danbooru account settings; I recommend a setting of -2 which will require at least three people to downvote the comment to hide it as single downvotes are quite common.

@OOZ662 : I didn't know that. I apologize for jumping to conclusion and thanks for the useful informations

OOZ662 said:
@bangnhi Don't delete and repost a comment to get around a downvote. Changing the layout of one sentence in such a way that its meaning stays the same doesn't count as an excuse; you can always edit a comment you've posted.

@OOZ662 I did that so the person I reply to be able to read my comment (we both got downvote for no reason) I don't care about down vote

And to be able to realize that I made some changes, it mean you must have read my original comment. Are you the one that downvote us? I can understand if you downote me if you don't like my idea, but why did you downvote Bansho?


Bansho said:

What exactly would Yukari be in this setting that would be a proper analog to her original position?

@Bansho: I imagine it's something like the Meiji era westernization
"The Western powers — Europe and the United States — had forced Japan to sign treaties that limited its control over its own foreign trade and required that crimes concerning foreigners in Japan be tried not in Japanese but in Western courts." (http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/)
Before Japan regained complete control of its foreign trade and legal system, foreigners , especially those who have connect with powerful figures, can commit crimes in Japan and get very lenient sentences since the courts will be held in Western courts.
Yukari is a powerful officer who either pretend to act like adulator toward foreigner OR act like she truly see them as friends, but actually assigned ninjas or something like that to stalk them and teach them a "lesson" that they won't be able to forget even in the next life if they insult and cause harm for any Japaneses. She used the most popular geisha and prostitutes to find out secrets or gossips among foreigners. And to those who have potential of causing harm to Japan, the geisha/ prostitute will put some kind of poison(created by Eirin) in their foods & drink. It wont't kill them immediately,only show very subtle signal that can only be recognized by those who know about the poison. But after a certain period of time, if they don't get the cure, they will die extremely painfully.
Reimu, who is the most popular prostitute and Yukari's secret lover, is currently try to deal with the guy who want to control Japan. He hasn't show any signal of being poison yet. Can it be that there is a spy among Yukari 's underling?
Or, can it be that he's not human?
P/S:someone downvote us for no reason so I repost my comment so you can see it


genuine question: do you think Mystia can "sing " instrumental music? I know that theoretically, it's impossible but she is a youkai so can she HUM the sounds of instruments?

Damn! That's freaking cute. Never though that I will ever find Kaguya to be super adorable

It's Shou time !
I have NEVER seen Shou look as cool and badass as this!!!
She is Shou cool

FJH said:

I really don't see body swap here, just one character wearing another character's clothes and sporting their hairstyle.

By the way, why a rainbow picnic blanket?

THANK YOU SO MUCH !I almost had a headache from trying to figure out who is who.

And for the picnic blanket,I think that may have something to do with the "everyone is gay in Gensokyo" joke

*Welcome Hell*
*Hello Earth *
*Byebye Moon*
I'm rolling XD
And in 3rd panel , is that a hat or an actual moon rabbit is gnawing her head ?

All characters in Touhou wear outfits that relate to their species/abilities/origins, except for Miko's outfit and Hecatica's outfit. For example, Byakuren wears black coat,cape outside and white dress inside, represent her using black magic but has a pure,white heart; Remilia wear western dress since Dracula,ancestor of vampires is a Westerner;Yuyuko wear fluffy clothe (that make she looked fat) since ghosts are viewed as floating,roundly souls).

But Miko's outfit look nothing related to Taoism, Japan's royalties or China(birth place of Taoism). The bracelets, sandals she wear remind me of Egyptian, and those combine with her hair remind me of Yami from Yu-gi-oh. And I don't see anything that relate to Greek at Hecatica's appearance.She looked like she walked out from a Hot Topic store. Honestly, what was ZUN thinking while designing their appearances?
This is what a Greek goddess supposed to looked like, not like US punk/rock teenager.I love Greek toga. I'm actually sad that ZUN didn't make a Greek GODDESS wears it while giving Junko a nice China outfit!
