


AizuRen said:

got my Roma after around 30 tries of sorties on E-6

231 sorties, spread over several days. First 21 sorties were at the boss node, before I shifted to node M for 20 sorties, then stayed at node K for the rest of my farming. RNG was ridiculously harsh with the drops, I assure you, with many instances of Perfect S giving nothing and, at one point, FIVE Mutsus within a 30-run stretch. Ugh.

IndomieRasaRendang said:

i dont get it?

Neither Houshou or Katsuragi sortied during the war -- hence being the ones who "watched everyone leave" -- and in the end both survived the end of it, eventually being used as transport ships to bring stranded Japanese soldiers home.

Yeah, that's definitely a Gintama reference in the last frame (referring to how everyone thinks Shinpachi is just his glasses, and as long as its there, it counts as Shinpachi being in the same scene).

Which would only make sense if not for the fact that the producer is THE most popular character of the animated series[/i].Also I don't know if Keo's being sarcastic or not, because NOT showing the Admiral in Kancolle was one of the main complaints of the series and, guess what, the Producer of Cinderella Girls is often used as a rebuttal of doing a faceless player character right by comparison.

Battleship Girls has a completely different design for the Enterprise, so no.

This design is obviously taking after The Pacific doujin artbook released a while back.

Also, despite the bitching, it helps that there are aspects of the anime that ARE getting embraced by the fandom (in a "Hey, why didn't I think of that?" fashion).

That said, they really need to hire a better scriptwriter for the next season. Having TWO writers, with one good with action, the other in SOL, made for a schizophrenic watching experience.

Incidentally this brings together two different sets of Fubuki's friends -- the Special Destroyers from the 4koma, and her roommates from the anime.

Citation for Director liking Zuikaku:

(Dated 12/22/2014)




And I quote:

There was supposed to be no screentime for Zuikaku, but the director makes it so she has actually much more dialogues and screentime.

There's also a link in the same thread of an interview from Tanaka-P saying that, yeah, he's Fubuki's biggest fan. Enough evidence for ye goofs of so-short a memory?


But I guess the anime director is to blame for being sucha Fubuki fanboy on his tweeter.

Wrong -- the director is a fanboy of Zuikaku, who wasn't supposed to be given lines apparently. It was his intervention that Zuikaku was given dialogue and parts during the middle of the series.

The overall PRODUCER OF THE GAME, Tanaka, is the Fubuki fanboy. So get your facts straight.

... in the third episode.

Also there's a massive coincidental confluence at work here: January 21st was ALSO the day that Madoka Magica's 3rd episode aired (in 2011).

This is because in the Fubuki Gambarimasu! manga, both Ise and Hyuuga are the battleships the DDs interacted with the most, by virtue of being their instructors. It's not the case in the anime however.

I think the assumption is that she's actually squinting her eyes so she could focus on what she's looking at (like anyone who's got bad eyesight -- speaking from experience). However this just ends up making her look scarier than usual.

Suzakurenzan said:

expect for the duo forgoten shiratsuyu-class : samidare and suzukaze

The issue with Samidare and Suzukaze is that they're not drawn by ICHISO, unlike the black Shiratsuyus, but by someone else.

Post-movie spoilers: The wedding is shown in the end credits.

It's all monochrome though, but pretty much everyone shows up, barring Kankuro and Sasuke. Even Neji appears, via the framed photo Hanabi was carrying with her. :(

Post-movie interview with Kishimoto has him admit that, when Bolt and Himawari were conceptualized a few months ago, they DID have the Byakugan eyes, but somewhere along the way he forgot to add it back in. The Bolt movie and the post-series spinoffs will apparently see to this though.