


Thus continues Helltaker's quest across hell along with Azazel and Cerberus to fetch the mystical and squeaky Doggoballs.

Looks like someone has just found themselves in a hare'y situation.

Can't be sure with Google translate but it seems like this tweet is saying the listed ship girls are going to be downgraded from rare to normal.

Looks like someone has been teaching Mutsuki new and interesting ways to ask for candy.

Subokaze is very cute though I must admit it is strange seeing her wearing more clothes than usual.

Those bokoblins are reminding me of the goblins of Goblin Slayer, now I am very worried for Zelda.

Hey Admibro, she said belly rubs. I see that wrist of yours copping a sneaky bit of under boob there.

Mithiwithi said:

Sailor Onee-sans? "In the name of the Moon, I will ara-ara you!"

Turns out we already have a fanart of Sailor Onee-sans and I am not the slightest bit surprised.

Knowing this artist the other Sailor Senshi probably just walked in on Sailor Moon mounting a shota tuxedo mask.

And then they all proceed to join in.

Requesting translation please. For the adorable double tsun.

While I didn't think much of the series I have to say that Sagiri was a fine piece of loli.

I could spend hours on that rump helping her with ero manga inspiration or perhaps there are other ways to help get her creative juices flowing.


HunterDeRiot said:

Umm Akagi, do you hear a racecar getting closer?

With those ears she probably does.

No worries the tail fluff will harmlessly absorb the impact though the car and it's occupant may disappear into the realm of immense fluff never to return.

Just seeing those three plus Medusa's braid has my lewd brain thinking.

A Prisma Illya story where Medusa transfers into Illya'a school or whatever set up so we get to see a sultry Chloe move in for some mana transfer.

I mean who wouldn't want to see Chloe make a move on Ana? Bonus points if a certain pair of twins were also involved.


Forget Shirou, Illya and Chloe yuri twincest is the real hotness.

ezekill said:

So long as this carrier won't encounter rolling boulder traps, snake pits, a crystal skull or Nazis, we all good.

Little Illustrious: I think Ark Royal is trying to kidnap us!

Kisaragi: She IS trying to kidnap us!

Little Illustrious: It's just that it's a new experience for me.

Kisaragi: Happens to me all the time.