


Left the existing translation intact, though it doesn't reallt fit the flow of the conversation.

Could that last panel be considered Kakyoin going yandere? It's got the "gogogogo" and all...

NWSiaCB said:Name's a bit hard, I don't like these names made of just mashing two names together... So I figured I'd go with a flower name, since Patchouli is the mother, and Marisa's name is possibly supposed to be either western or eastern, and took the flower that means "Sincerity" - Anemone.

It's romanized Kirisame Marisa, family name before given name, a clear sign that her name is eastern. It also written in kanji instead of katakana.

For the child, how about "mugwort" in Japanese: "Mogusa"? Mugwort seems like a more magical type plant then the anemone, and "Mogusa" ending in -sa makes a nice connection to Marisa.

Anemone in Japanese: Isoginchaku. What a terrible name.

Well, as Mikoto doesn't seem to be powering up towards becoming lightning incarnate, I don't think she's doing much resisting. There's also the juxaposition of her not lying flat, which increases the visual cue of being powerless and the fact that Kuroko is looking not at Mikoto but at the viewer, which reduces the threatening effect that would be present were she focused more on overpowering the "victim". So no, I don't think this needs that tag.

These little kanji are too much for my old eyes, if someone could tell me the last line of the rightmost panel, second from the bottom, and the second line of the last panel, then I think I could get everything.

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