


alfredo_jones said:

Anyone else baffled by the fact that she has regular human arms in her waitress attire? Was that a thing in ARMS or was it something the people who made the trailer came up with?

It's most likely a very Kamen Rider kind of things. Everyone "henshin!" when fighting, but goes back to normal on their daily life.

Someone really got inspired. Basically Shinobu Kocho + Mitsuri Kanroji = This

She even specialize in poison type too lol

gridsleep said:

How much loathing of women do you have to have to draw something like this?

Just another drop in the endless sea of distasteful rule 34 pretty much.

Give it the greatest punishment to any image; being forgotten in the depths of the digital abyss after a few days.

NWSiaCB said:

Presuming Lily took female hormone therapy from the time before/at the start of puberty, Lily would be completely feminine-looking, since it's all hormones that make you grow one way or the other.

The depends though, if she unluckily got her dad's bulky bone structure...

IRL, one can often tell a Trans person apart by the way their skeleton look. So even after doing their best, some people will just never going to get their perfect body...

No wonder Lily's so happy she became undead.

This will be like Lily's worst nightmare lol.

If she didn't die I would think she would use all the money she had earn as a star to do every the trans procedure possible, to makes damn sure that when she grew up her charge don't look halfassed.

Tk3997 said:

The entire event feels like a stupid wasted opportunity honestly, you make an event out of the biggest naval battle of the war with the US and the drops are... useless DEs, a submarine, and an AA IJN DD. What a shit show, Leyte should have been huge event with major drops, not warmed over garbage like this.

I mean why are they even putting this stuff out? Do they actually think anyone wants more crappy no-name DEs instead of actually good Foreign DDs or hell at least the rest of the existing first rate IJN DD classes?

...Because this is only part one of Leyte? This is not the entire battle, there is still like a massive half to go at Winter. The Final event of Kancolle Season 1: that is where all the delicious meats and salts they are preparing for will go.

Another thing is for the newbies. So some of the really new players don't feel too depressing for not beating the event if some small/mid scale's rewards aren't all that impressive to begin with. They can focus on farming the ships they want on Easy and save resources for the truly painful events to get the strong ships they release in the future. It's not like all the players will activity buy slots and keep everyone they get anyway, so there are really no point rushing to add up the number so quickly.

That are also powercreep, balance bah bah bah... Those are hard to do, and even harder if you keep adding ships every few months. Give the devs a break.

I don't know, I personally think Iowa would be pro-Trump herself simply guessing from her nationalistic personality:

1) Trump promises to reactivate the Iowas (thanks tararan).

2) A lot of the US military and navy has a negative opinion on Hillary because of the no fly zone BS and a possible war with Russia.

3) If nothing else, Trump give a speech on her deck before and it is possible she will just vote him because of the attention it had gotten her.

Iowa is a fictional character after all, so it entirely depends on how the authors would write her in these parodies fanarts. But personally, her being pro-Trump seems to make sense in the context of her character.


IMO, this map is probably the cheapest event final so far.

Where to start with this stupid map... They give you armor debuff and the usage of airfields right? So you immediately thought it is going to be the same as Spring 2016 and you are suppose to nuke the boss right?


Unless you played Spring 2016 all the way through Hard, you will probably not have enough good planes to reach the boss at the first place. The airfields are mostly useless in killing the boss anyway because the planes can hardly kill anything in the first place and it is pretty much a waste of resources in the long run. The airfields are mostly there to stop Seaport Summer Hime or shred the boss's Wo Flag Kai's planes.

Seaport Summer Hime followed by a night battle with up to two Dysons was just ... This setup up sent me back home more times then Spring 2016 E-7 every did. Good job Tanaka, you magnificent bastard.

Lastly, the worst sin of all in this map...

I can take Air Defense Hime's BS armor...

I can taking Central Hime's full Himes escorts...

But I refuse to take a 7(or 9) nodes trip that drain all of my fuels and lowers everyone's combat capabilities! The debilitating effect means reducing the boss bar took a really, really long time... (27ish B/C/D ranks to get her to last dance... holy crap)

Most of the time the boss fight boils down to praying for that super lucky snipe with a torpedo cut in between 4 or 5 meat shields! This is always the worst way to fight bosses in Kancolle! It is even more jarring when you realize the boss node itself is not hard at all when you have Hayasui. If you fight the node with resupply, the armor debuffs will make sure they go down really fast.

The Hard mode clear made me so royally annoyed. I REALLY HATE, HATE, HATE THIS STUPID MAP!!!!!!!

... Tanaka, don't ever stop what you are doing. Maps like this is why I play Kancolle.


It doesn't help either that E-3 and E-4 are extremely hostile to farm Aquila even on Easy. I was only able farm for about 25 times before I have to quit and resumed the rest of the event. 40k of resources was burn and makes me sad...