


MarqFJA87 said:

"Imouto" is too confusable with Ai-chan's own Imouto. We should go with "Gimai" (義妹), the Japanese word for "stepsister", since it aptly describes her distinctive trait among the female protagonists and is the name of the theme for this page and the preceding one.

Yes, but Gimai just doesn't sound....cute....enough for a Tawawa name. So lets shorten things further to either Gi-chan or Mai-chan?

GMO said:

I am not gonna be ready for the colored version. Hot damn, imizu...

Nobody has a body that is ready for a new Imizu work.
Especially not when its MILF!Nobu.

cd_young said:

To be fair, Jeanne Alter knew this would eventually be her fate. She knew she's a wraith born of malice, anger and regret, a specter of the once true and pure Jeanne D'Arc and someone destined for the Pyre Spit. She readily walks this path too since it's the only path of an Avenger, to rage against humanity like a blazing star, and then burn out a die like cooling embers.

Then its a good thing our Protag Master gives the middle finger to fate, and gives Jalter a second chance (on top of giving Jalter Lily even the hope of having a life at all). There's a reason by the Shinjuku reason it's blatantly obvious Jalter's head over heels for Chaldea's Master, in that he/she didn't care about Jalter's 'sin', but cared about her - the first person to actually do so since she became an Alter.

Might count as misleading thumbnail. I honestly thought her head was blown off and that was a blood trail, from the thumbnail.

Isn't this pose (and most of the outfit) almost identical to Kirshima's pose & outfit from Azur Lane? Just that it's been flipped?

Cyanide_Exploder said:

Adding Ozymandias bc I can't imagine anyone else in the farthest back of the tank that's also his pyramid falling from the sky

If you look at the twittter account of the artist, there's a few posts that are zoomed all the way in to show who's who on the tank.

Considering they now have actual 'spray on' swimsuits (wear strategically placed pasties in three places, then spray over them) via a modified air-brush, to literally get skin tight outfits...

I can see her doing this.

Plus side? You can add all KINDS of color mixes or images to the stuff. Like how this might really be all black, but with a fake white stretch thong-kini painted over it.
Down side? Only problem IRL is that you have to cut them off with scissors afterwards/one-shot usage. That and while the stuff is on, your skin can't breath, so you're not supposed to wear it very long.

NegativeSoul said:

If that is Hiei Curry then they should be charged with war crimes.

Nah, its emitting a soft green glow. Hiei's curry pulls in dark shadows around it and radiates an unholy purple hue from within.
Probably something from one of the Operation Crossroads girls.

Whoever's country they're fighting over is so so screwed.
Thankfully its likely a Singularity, so its not like anyone will remember the horrible deaths, mutiliation, and cosmic forces explosively interacting at beyond-Biblical scales.