


Nozek said:

Idea Factory designs are very good generally! I don't know how to call that silly flying thing though. Reminds me a bit of the small red something which Rachel Alucards owns.

It's her fairy, Khalara.

GoldSaw said:

Well Victory Noire's ego is freaken gigantic so it's no wonder she would ask her other dimension self this while being in the same potion.

Plus, Ultra!Noire has at least one friend (Plutia), while Hyper!Noire is completely alone.

Oekakizuki's art style looks really nice when the characters are seen from the front or at an angle, but looks a little weird in profile (see also here and here)


RhythmicApogee said:

My Neptunia trivia is a little weak, but doesn't Steamax have redeeming qualities? Or some kind of redemption?

Yes, but he starts off as a villain.

HaroldRowsdower said:

He does, but I'm pretty sure he's also a robot, so he might be male in gender, but not in sex.

He mentions his childhood and growing up, so it's possible he's a bishie in power armor like Anonydeath.


KaitoDies said:

Wasn't Mr. Badd only trying to protect his children?

He also tried to overthrow Blanc and take over Lowee.

GoldSaw said:

Men have about as much importance in the neptune series as they do in Yuru Yuri.

More often than not, any male in this series is going to be either a villain or at least misguided.

Ganache: Misguided.
Singe: Misguided.
Yvoire: Misguided.
CFW Judge: Villain.
CFW Brave: Misguided.
CFW Trick: Villain.
Copypaste: Villain.
Mr. Badd: Villain.
Anonydeath: Villain.
Affimojas: Villain.
Steamax: Villain.
Azna=Leb: Villain.
HachimaJin: Villain.
The Time Eater: Villain.

HaroldRowsdower said:

Only dudes to get actual appearance are the two brothers from Rebirth and Umio.

Also Ganache, Singe, Yvoire, Mr. Badd, Azna=Leb, as well as minor NPCs such as guards and civilians.

Vert liking yaoi is canon. Her room is full of merchandise of half-clad men, in mk2/Re;Birth2 she and Chika force Nepgear to play a naked butler game with them, and in Megadimension she has a nosebleed when Steamax and Affimojas seem to have a "moment".

Jarlath said:

Red will definitely want to meet her. Million Wifeys, Ho!

5pb said:

Yup This Is Probably What Red Wants In Her Entire Life

Don't insult the Harem Queen by comparing her to this fourth-rate amateur. Just by saying "I've decided that you're my wifeys!" Red got Ultra!Blanc and Ultra!Vert to willingly join her harem, no questions asked. Milli has to settle for her creepy clone puppets. Milli only wishes she had a tenth of Red's swag.

ToastedWaffles said:

Probably the outfit that Noire's wearing, since she's wearing the PS4 outfit (the one that has a star-like shape that holds the jewel in the middle of her chest bow).

Except she's been wearing that since the first game.