


tobi-wan-kenobito said:

If that's the case this is quickly going into the horror/guro category.

Or slapstick, if you allow a little leeway.

Poor Shinmyoumaru. Wrong place at the wrong time.

Poor Benben, victim of new fandom memes... and likely recipient of a needle to the side of her belly.

Yeah, it'll be unlikely to surface (sadly). A digital version wasn't published, to my knowledge.

Pyrolight said:

Ya butt the exit, not so nice.

That wouldn't be enjoyable, no. But knowing Aya, she'd risk anything for a good scoop.

NegativeSoul said:

Well who can ever say they got detailed pictures from the inside of someone's stomach with dynamic camera angles? This is the scoop of the century.

She'll be the Spiderman of a person's digestive track.

Well when you put it that way, that definitely would get people talking, and papers selling.

iridescent_slime said:

I love Naz's mildly annoyed expression. It's as if this happens to her on a regular basis and she's come to regard it as just another of Shou's inconvenient habits.

Part of why I love Utopia's work is because he's very good at expressiveness. Like say, Reimu's annoyed glare in the Yukari pic. Or Flandre's and Meiling's surprise in that pic, too.

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