


What disturbs me in both this and original arts is her face. It looks... flattened, like all facial features are positioned on one plane.

The weapon looks like Howa Type 89, but the mag dimensions are confusing. As thick as Type 64, but the sides are close to 20rd 5.56 mag.

ReyZha7 said:

So Expert Shading candidate?

Honestly i thought Himura use real life clothes and edit it to his work. Because that shading (on clothes) is really detail.

Maybe even real life person wearing them?

ithekro said:

I'm pretty sure the Germans blew up around 60,000 or more Soviet tanks during the war. If I remember correctly the Germans destroyed more Soviet tanks than the Soviets built during the war, just that the Soviets had had a lot of tanks before the war, and also used both captured German tanks (which included captured French tanks and British tanks), but also the Lend Lease stuff from Brittan and American adding to their numbers while the Soviet industrial machine rebuilt itself in the Urals.

Actually it's closer to 83500 tanks lost. 33400 for light, 44900 for medium and 5200 for heavy tanks.

1941 - 22600 active tanks, 5600 tanks put in service, 20500 tanks lost (72.7%)
1942 - 7700 active tanks, 27900 tanks put in service, 15000 tanks lost (42.1%)
1943 - 20600 active tanks, 22900 tanks put in service, 22400 tanks lost (51.5%)
1944 - 21100 active tanks, 21200 tanks put in service, 16900 tanks lost (40.0%)
1945 - 25400 active tanks, 8500 tanks put in service, 8700 tanks lost (25.7%)

Please note that Soviet system does not distinguish combat and non-combat losses (i.e. abandoned, lost due to malfunction). It's also unclear whether repaired/recovered vehicles count as "put in service" or as non-loss.

4523 tanks lend-leased by UK, 6574 by USA, total of 11097 tanks (APCs not included for not being tanks).

bahamut920 said:
This, on the other hand... is something else. I'd be hiding inside and refusing to leave the AC in that weather.

Over here (Central European Russia) relative air humidity is important.
In summer we may have something like +30C with humidity close to 100%, which makes it hard to even breathe outside. In winter the same humidity in -10C combined with even mild wind gives you tiny crystals of ice scratching your face and hands.

MarqFJA87 said:

@Gilgamesh404, you forgot to complete the translation in the last panel.

Oh, but I did. It's in the rightmost note of bottom-left cloud. For some reason I can't neither stretch the "So what, you..." note box over the central block of text or add a new one.
