


Котенок said:

Such a shame with the strap over her right shoulder. Would be an easy fix too.

Cannot unsee. Thanks.

AyaReiko said:

I sense Mercys and Meis are going to hate her...

Anything that makes Mei harder to use is a good thing.

AeusValiance said:

She's really hooked emotionally. Just look at those tears.

Could be tears of happiness.

Thank you translator. I apparently started reading before you were done. Refresh, and more translation!

FaceMeltor said:
That face is way too serene and that bolter is way too small. Too small in comparison to canon bolters anyway, I like this size much more than the canon ones, it looks sensible.

Bolters and Bolt Pistols come in different sizes and shapes. The Astartes pattern bolter is only a hair bit smaller than a guard deployed heavy bolter. Bolters and Bolt Pistols issued to non-astartes are sized appropriately. The weapon still functions the same even if the ammunition's caliber is reduced significantly.

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