


Removing the cosplay related tags as these aren't cosplay outfits of gym leaders but actual in-game uniforms you can obtain in the game and that they look nothing like the gym leader's actual outfits. Also there's no steel type gym, and the third listed gym leader was the rock type one.

Sometimes it's easy to forget that Mr. Mine is officially still considered a Wild Pokémon after all this time.

My theory for this, is that maybe for obvious reasons, even the girls cannot stand a chance against the monsters. So, to give them an edge, they are gifted with the powers of the monsters to fight them on equal grounds. And since Hibiki would definitely dive headfirst to battle Godzilla, she would need the power of King Ghidorah to be able to do anything to him.

Makes me sad that Symphogear is over now, but I'm really happy to have experienced such a fun and very engrossing story with a unique setting since day 1. I hope something more can be done with the series to keep it alive in some way, but I'm still content and satisfied with what we got. ^^

It's implied that Dei Shirou changed his format from web comics to printed doujin. And that either Tag Dream continued as a doujin or the flat out stopped completely. Honestly, at this point though I'm just grateful that Tag Dream made a fan following that mixed Touhou and female wrestling together, it was great.

Wow, ultimate bad luck there for a Scizor to be sent out from a forced switch against a move that is x4 super effective against you. Poor Scizor.

I was scanning this pic looking for why Splatoon was in the tags but then I see the Squid logo on the water tank, lol. XD

I wasn't able to play this game as much as I wanted due to work and college, so I missed out on so much of Splatoon 2 besides the Octo Expansion. It makes me feel so left out and it makes the final send off with the last Splatfest not feel so impactful for me, which I wish I can experience. But for the brief times I was about to play Splatoon, thank you so much for giving me tons of the most fun I've ever had while playing a PvP game again.

And I'm putting MY foot down on this misunderstood and unnecessarily hostile drama, I'm not being elitist or uppity, I'm being open minded, rational, and understanding. Why should people who harass both the fans and the developers with extreme threats and insults be considered "fans"? No, they're extremist trolls. I've been harassed just for expressing positive interest in SnS on posts before the drama started, I tried to be nice only to get the most foul and immature responses ever. This is worse than SAO haters doing the same thing to fans of the series just because they like it and they don't, why should anyone stoop so low to be a disgusting excuse of a human being over a simple opinion that doesn't affect them at all?

Yes, you're free to like and dislike something, you have that right and we shouldn't judge. What you DON'T have the right to do, is bash someone very rudely just for having an opposite opinion.

Having mixed reception and simple disagreements and discussions about it is one thing, having a flame war and a witch hunt against those actually being positive toward the game and the developers is another thing.

I just said this is a new game being made from scratch, the reason lots of Pokémon are being "removed" as you call it, is because GF doesn't have time to make all those models within their given deadline till release. 900+ Pokémon, each with their own animation set, you expect all that to be made quickly? No, that's completely ridiculous. Admittedly I was initially disappointed when I heard the news of lots of Pokémon not being included but then I got over it after thinking deeply on the subject and understanding their limitations, which no one else is bothering to do. Even when GF flat out says it, confirming my theories, people are still adamantly and nastily denying it. Why? Just why? We only have 2 trailers to go by, it's not even out for another 4 months and you're already jumping the gun and calling it shoddy without even playing it? That immediately is invalid since you can't say anything on something you never even tried. Wait till the game is out, try it, and then you can make your judgement and you're free to dislike SnS if you wish.

Why is it so hard to respect other's opinion, not make a judgement call without even trying something, not be such a really nasty jerk for no reason, and completely misunderstand something and blow it out of context very WRONGLY in this day and age? Please, tell me, why? We should be much better than this, both as fans of a series and as human beings.

usuallydead said:

Don't buy Sword.
Gamefreak and TPC won't improve if we don't make them via wallet votes.

Dude, what's to improve? Nothing, they're not doing anything wrong or doing anything to ruin Pokémon.

You know what needs to improve? This so-called "fan base", ever since this drama started Pokémon "fans" have dropped to a completely whole new level of low unimaginable. Such ungrateful, nitpicking, immature babies whining over the most trivial thing ever and can't take 2 seconds to actually think about it. Sword and Shield is a new game made in a new engine, so they have to make new models and animations for all 900+ Pokémon to be compatible with the engine, they even flat out CONFIRMED this earlier today. And even said that they have to make even more models thanks to the Dynamax and Gigantimax features, and in total would be around 5000+ models and animations or even more for all 900+ Pokémon. Programming games and making models takes a LOT of time, too much time that Game Freak doesn't have right now until the release deadline, so they're focusing on the Pokémon that will be in the base game such as the brand new Pokémon from Galar and others we already know and then after release Game Freak will have all the time they have to focus on making the new Pokémon models and then can even release a patch to include them since Switch games are more update friendly than the 3DS ones are. Seriously, how hard is this for you kids to understand? The reason XY, ORAS, and SM had the same models and animations was because they were made in the SAME engine and thus can be reused without any problems, unlike Sword and Shield which needed to be made from the ground up.

I'm getting both Sword and Shield, and I'm going to love them. Because I'm an actual Pokémon fan since day 1 and I don't give a damn about this trivial crap and I will continue to give Game Freak and the Pokémon company my support instead of jumping on the most cancerous and stupid bandwagon I've ever seen in my life. No one complained that Lets Go Pikachu and Eevee only had Kanto Pokémon plus Meltan and Alola forms, no one complained that Black and White as well as Sun and Moon didn't have a National Pokèdex, no one complained about the remakes as people still want a Diamond and Pearl remake, and no one complained about upgraded rerelease Pokémon games with people STILL wanting an upgraded X and Y game and even wanted Emerald to be put on the Virtual Console of both the 3DS and Wii U while the Switch was still referred to as Project NX during its development. Why are people complaining now?

There is no excuse for this intolerant behavior whatsoever from people older than at least 20, I expected better from gamers from way back when still playing Pokémon and such in this present day like myself. I'm just utterly disappointed in these people, you aren't Pokémon fans at all and don't deserve to call yourself "fans" after hearing one sentence and completely blowing it out of proportion and setting the internet on fire without thinking for 2 seconds.

Omutsu said:

Why is the resolution all fucked up?

Because it's the artist's art style, and it doesn't look bad at all.

cd_young said:

You should spoiler tag your post. Since itself is a massive spoiler for the game.

Actually it isn't, the announcement trailer and promotional artwork of Blaster Master Zero 2 all feature Eve in her infected state and they flat out say she's infected. The intro demo even says this too with the goal being to cure her, it's not a spoiler when it's something that's been openly advertised as well as stated at the beginning of the game.

NWSiaCB said:

It's only a spoiler if it tells you something about the plot. Just having a character sit there and saying "A Winrar is You!" isn't a spoiler.

Actually it does, in Blaster Master Zero 2, Eve is infected by a mutant virus and the effects are very obvious and visual as half of her face is blue and she has a claw on her right side. This tells us she's successfully cured, so yes, it's a spoiler.

Edit: Plus this game was released VERY recently, so that's also something to add to that.