


Blake_Pie said:

What is this, a second Cold War?

I think it's in relation to Bismark throwing in the towel and not wanting to manage the foreign dorm anymore.

Random_Fanguy said:

That doll is pretty dang cute. But of course nothing beats the original.

Kinda looks like it's channeling Gambier Bay energy

A_Lurker said:

I think Gamby is calling it a ball. Could someone translate please?

Nope that's a strike motion.

Odd that Bayonetta is tagged. I thought this was Audrey Hepburn. I know it's her pose (Though I don't remember what film it's from).

cyrilkhan said:

Since you felt the need to draw attention to it...

I don't typically check nico sources because I don't have an account there, and without looking at tags to support one or the other, this virgin killer Johnston could very well be confused for a more casual Atlanta. However, now that I confirmed I can see tags on nico without an account, I know for certain it is Johnston.

The outfit and twin tails can certainly make it seem like it's Atlanta. Yet, her demeanor is not like hers and plus the ribbon in the hair is a dead giveaway that it's Johnston.

Death_Usagi said:

In case you did not know, he does release R18 Doujins. Most recent being Yamakaze doujins.

hmmm....Yep, I didn't know about those.

uhhh....so I'm not remotely familiar with Kung Fury but this chick looks a lot like Ada Wong to me. Even has the hacking device from the remake.

KingsleyDawson said:

Błyskawica would like to have some words with you.

Oh wow! Look at that. I had no idea. I thought, being an in-land nation, Poland didn't have much need for one.

Shebadotfr said:

God help us when we gonna have the Poles and the Spanish.

Uhh....did the Poles ever have a navy?

I'm not sure who this would hurt more. The guy or the girl; Being hit with a large mass or swinging a large mass that has nerve ending attached to it.

A_Lurker said:

Guadalcanal summarized:

IJN: I can’t see a darn thing!
USN: How’s this newfangled radar work?

Akatsuki: Who’s that? Hang on let me turn on a flashlight. *lights up Atlanta.*

Literally everyone present: Hey look something to shoot at. Is it one of ours? Heck if I know.

*cue cartoon dust cloud fight*

Hahaha! okay, I get the picture now