


Catasros said:

"the huge one" do specify, bro-lancer.

...not that I'd be bothered either way...

I think he means the lancer saber though i could be wrong

MarqFJA87 said:

OBJECTION! Iowa should be on the far left to match the others' representation of their home countries' geographic location with respect to each other!

HOLD IT! It is done from the Japanese perspective so it is actually right!

NegativeSoul said:

Hatsuharu must go through a bottle of shampoo per day.

Imagine when it gets humid...

BF trans:lol it is like Jojo part 5 but with mice

oh wow so it was a reference


[KN] said:

You mean the part where she says Sakuya can make water hot and thus melt ice in the same way? I think it just involves her speeding-up time for the area around the ice so that it melts instantly, not literally manipulating its temperature.

Wouldn't that work by speeding up the particles in the water which are going only so fast, then in less than a second speeding it up to make it hot. Still wouldn't that cause some sort of like instantaneous explosion of energy from the instant particle speed change?

I don't think that speculation is sound, since water and ice are two different things when it comes down to flash heating if I recall correctly.