


Ok, I was thinking it's yaoi and that guy's eating the diugh. I mean it looks like the boy is going for the diugh, the way he's blushing and everything.

I thought she was sitting on the moon. It would make her look enormous instead of tiny as it currently seems.

slave2thedrago said:
I've been Malik gtdhe connection to cost ores

I'm sorry, not trying to be rude but I don't understand what you said. Come again, whom (or what) did 2B remind you of?

keonas said:
She's 16, he's 10 and they're dating, canon.

Yeah. Maybe that's the story. But the picture shows a 16yo boy about to touch a topless 10yo girl. It is what it seems.
Edit: Even if their supposed age is the other way around, it's still a bit too soon for a relationship for them.

Tessu said:

I'd say it was on purpose; it's a texture of various colors. It's also easily noticeable on the full picture, I'm sure if it was a mistake he would notice it. I know no software that would have a backsplash like that that could be overlooked so I'd say it was just for aesthetic experimentation.

Yes, you are probably right.

The thumbnail made me think there was an animal (preasumably a dog) on top of a girl; as if there would be an actual animal.