


Enty's melodrama issues are getting a bit annoying, especially without shikikan to help her work through her issues. Now we have to wait 3 god damn months for the conclusion? What a botched anime release... from production issues to rushed deadlines, obviously. Prefer confident Enty from the game anyway.

Because she's never lewded, at least in game. Meaning Enty even touching a lolipop in fanart looks raunchy.

Thicc-E. God damn that's a brickhouse body. No pubes of course, fitting for the GOAT

I love how Enty looks like she doesn't want to cum, but can't help it. Vestal is gonna force her to relax no matter what!

RaiShoko said:

Declining popularity? Who said so? Only you? I rather have Enterprise just be herself than to wear revealing clothes just so that you can fulfill your fetishes. You are just Enterprise hater no matter what. Keep crying dude. For one hater likes you, there are always more players who will appreciate Enterprise for who she is.

Well said Sir. I was mostly into Enterprise due to her history, but her design is also top-tier. I get why people are afraid of a swimsuit for Enty, but as long as they give her a tasteful one-piece with a sunflower hat or something things will be okay. As long as her personality stays consistant that's all I really care about.

ithekro said:

It will be glorious.

Also after a remodel she can night battle.

I would just be waiting for the doujins that would follow...

Enterprise, clad in her finest dress blues, straps on a whopping 10' inch dildo.

She whispers into her partner's ears, "It will only hurt for a second."

Then with a few swift motions, Enterprise proceeds to fuck silly Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, Musashi, Hiei and many, many more.

No ship can escape Enterprise's deep-dicking...

cokerpilot said:

This wont end well

Don't worry, Enterprise actually EARNED her Legendary status through combat unlike the Yamato hotel. I have no doubt the Big E's squadrons would fuck up Yamato, and even if she took some hits, Enterprise's DC teams were beasts so she could keep on kicking

WuTangClan said:

Even the greatest suffer from breast envy, eh?

She may be suffering now, but wait until she gets her 1943 retrofit, then she really will be, the Big E.

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