


Zekana said:

Well professional weight lifters do tend to have meaty bellies while the rest of then is musclular.

They look squishy, but i doubt they are anything close.

bunkhead said:

Remix the remix...
it's back to...

Its more like they went too far back, a little bit of Proto-shirou slipped through.

PETmegaman said:

Your co-worker, your teacher's daughter or your friend's wife.

These are the kind of women are taboo to make a relationship with, in East Asia.

i mean, didnt teach marry his student? i mean sure she graduated but thats somthing you dont usually see even in the west.

Kyuzeth said:

Artemis is voluptuous and curvy, whereas Orion is a walking fortress of hulking muscle. Such figures are hard to compare directly, especially since Orion is a giant, which directly explains why he is as huge as he is.

Oh? i just assumed he was a normal human who was just jacked as fuck. I guess that explains the ludocris mass he has.

Amazing, Artemis is Thicc as fuck but she isnt even close to Orion. The dudes forearms are just as wide as she is.

So does anyone know why he was summoned as a zone of the enders boss? or is that explained in the story?

bunkhead said:

bunkhead said:

Counter: I remember what I did last week.
BOOM! Lawyered!

a new consciousness is created that maintains the same memories and experiences as the old one. I guess its a similar argument to that of ''Is the clone really identical to the original''


NegativeSoul said:

Why is Byleth dressed as a student when she's a teacher?

She's Excentric Teacher in Training.

This sort of looks like that one scene where all the Vizors are preparing to fight in Bleach.

carlosraruto said:

The low number of enemy mages does make armor units great in three houses.

That and even with enemy mages you can just one shot them with our many wonderfull horse classes.

Saladofstones said:

So is Kaban in this series a boy or a girl? The tags keep swapping between there being a genderswap or not.

Kaban is a Bag