


So Reimu's actual hitbox is her cell...
Now this looks rather disturbing, yet amusing.
that may explain her attitude during incidents

Death_Usagi said:

Not too sure if that's a good thing when it comes to the artist's income though.

That's why I used "brighter".

But look at the brighter side: throughout of many doujin commentaries/afterwords I've seen a whinning of a many about "deadlines"... Consider this time as "Deadline push" to get the shit together/refine on a rougher edges.

"So you've scattered all of the underground river where I was fishing for living? Now go and gather it back!"

Garrus said:

Depends. Is expired fruitcake a thing?

Jokes aside, I do know that MRE can be expired, depending on contents. Like, within our local MRE its quite wide range - from liquid honey/jam sticks (about year or two) to these dreadful, theoretically dateless, crackers which can be used as either burning fuel in particularly nasty field situations or temporarily patch a hole in BPV.

I've tried some MRE's - awesome and filling stuff when you need "compact" calories, but IMO, regardless of contents or maker, all that food ain't good for health in long term.

cynclical said:

Eating chips with chopsticks sounds practical, too bad I have no idea how to use them and everyone just expects me to know how to use them as soon as I pick them up.

Trick is - one stick is rigidly fixed, second is "operated".
Reference for hand bones
I've learned to hold 'em on middle finger due to "pen callouse" (Koishi holds chopsticks a bit differently, but principle is same)
1) Lay "lower" stick on distal("nail") phalanx and on metacarpal bone of point finger, then try to reach side of joint between distal and medial phalanxes with tip of your thumb.
2) Thumb and middle finger must be rigid, because they "anchoring" lower stick. If you must - bend fingers so you can hold stick with "root" of thumb firmly and comfortably enough.
3) Lay "upper" stick along point finger starting from tip and grip it between aforementioned joint and tip of thumb.
4) Adjust sticks in a way for only point finger is operating "upper" stick by bending and stick should touch each other with tips.

A bit of practice and you'll get a hang of it in no time (about 3-5 packs of chips for unconcious grip should be enough).

Random_Fanguy said:

I don't think that "mask" meets certain regulations.

This is a new prototype of composite mask, which consists of 2 components - carrying harness (shown) and disposable pad as filtering layer (not shown).

Allaire said:

Still -15 Celcius and piles of snow and ice everywhere. Good enough I guess.

Heh, I think I get where our piles of snow, ice and negative Celcius degrees went...