


Darkagma said:

Was it ever explained why the Soviet warheads were filled with incendiary payloads?

IFHE. ;)

M0131U5 said:

a crossover that will shake both fandoms for a month

and it's going to be awesome

Unfortunately it's fanart.

.musouka said:

Not that it would matter too much at sea but those heels look really difficult walk in, especially with the rudder part raised up like that. Actually can we even call them heels if it doesn't provide any support and just forces the wearer to walk around on their toes?

From how they're constructed they might be able to slot down to provide support, and they're simply slotted up right now to be in "combat" mode.

KyteM said:

That is so not Suisai dude.

How so? Suisai has dramatically improved in the last few years.

Jiji has IMO grown significantly since they've started drawing almost fifteen years ago. It's great to see how far they've come, and the latest shipgirl they've drawn is incredibly cute.

Added to Current Events pool in light of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

SniperWolfNG said:

That's a stovepipe though, not a misfire.

I wasn't sure if 'weapon_malfunction' would work as a tag here with how long it is.

I'm also pretty surprised that there aren't any tags corresponding to weapon malfunctions considering how long guns have been a subject in art.

chinatsu said:

@MaxAndEmilytate where is the pic from

You can't just say he can't be identified. If he doesn't he can email the admin here. We need to know the artist, it's not for you to make this call

Art style looks very similar to melisaongmiqin. Should the tag be temporarily added until further verification can be made?

"Nothing we do here is halfway, but the particular emphasis on the sanctity of life. That’s not something I see very often. It’s … precious. Yes. Precious. You order us to take every precaution possible to come back alive. When everything else comes down to the wire, it’s …I think it’s the right thing. No, I know it’s the right thing. So I really do like how things are going. You care for us. Trust us. Do what you can for us. We know. That’s why we’ll go to hell and back if need be to win this thing!"

You can read USS Pampanito << Pam >> 's story at Pacific's official website, hon-haka.org. << https://hon-haka.org/archives/5208 >>

GoldSaw said:

The ironic part is that the Azur Lane x WoWS collab has no American character. The Germans, Japanese and British are the only ones who are getting a new ship, go figure.

Cleveland, though?

Since Dakku has deleted all of their accounts (on Pixiv, on Twitter, in Nijie), I'm uploading all of the artwork I have personally saved onto my computer. Hopefully he returns someday.

See you, space cowboy..