


ok so I havent seen anything on Rockman RX but why do alot of the characters look like altered or female versions of all the major characters from the MegamanZero series?

Any reason or is capcom just running out of character designs?

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  • iF its drom a touhou pr something seperate from the Game it needs that items title instead of FFXI cause Ive never seen em either.

    Only wau I consider it is because the guy is an Elvaan so.

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  • Calando said:
    Ok...am I the only one who thinks Garchomp bears a striking resemblance to Metal Gear Ray?

    You are not my freind it does like slightly familiar.
    Cool poke though

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  • Ok I haven't watched Turn yet but whats the deal with Loran aside from the hypicrital nature is a freakin guy or a girl??

    Or is it a deal like with Dilandal from Escaflowne? Hes changed into a girl or reverse ways with Dilandal.

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