


thanghe said:

the waves under the chibis feet look weird
Are the submarine girls having a meeting again?

They are spinning around while holding hands

Demundo said:

Taihou, the angel living on Earth.

You mean the angel living on multi dimensions?

sabitafukku said:

like burying a banana leaf wrapped meat under a fire pit is one

or to enjoy liquid nitrogen frozen soup

Moonspeaker said:

I'm amazed she didn't dispel it through the sheer force of her ire.

if you followed the story, fuuko basically did dispelled the storm by sacrificing herself
which mean popuko actually dispelled the storm with the sheer force of her ire at the cost of losing herself

AkaikeM said:

I'm not quite sure what the reggae has to do with anything.

there was this one japan street artist video with his fan doing this move to cheer her

Garrus said:

Yeah, I just threw two fleet carriers and all four Kongou-class battleships at this map to ram through it to reach 3-2.

same tbh