


How do you say "female brofist" in Russian? That would be the proper typesetting for that SFX

Surprising that they didn't tell her "Katyusha has to dress an Ankou costume for the Ankou festival" instead.

Nekurumi said:
Looks like Yak 3 or Yak 15 for me, I can't see propeller so I assumed it's Yak 15.
But it didn't make sense since they are Russian aircraft while we have German and Italian tanks here...

Planes attacking tanks of opposing sides of WW2 don't make sense for you?

BrokenEagle98 said:

Nope. Full blown canon. Unless you somehow don't consider the actual anime series where it was first mentioned (see above) to be canon...

BrokenEagle98 said:

I wonder if the artist got the idea from pool #11350.

I'd say the other way around. pool #11350 is about a canon GuPverse joke (first mentioned in episode 10.5, back in 2012)

Moonspeaker said:
パアッ (Paa!, a shine/glow effect) ≠ ボコ (Boko)

thanks, not my translation

ezekill said:
... isn't this one OP combination?

What it is, is a stupidly clever pun. I'm actually thinking "that's pretty clever" while facepalming,, exactly as the pool's description


artist's twitter showed previews for what seem to be Yukari (tank guns - tank guns everywhere), Hana (eating) and Miho (Boko-ed up).

The arrows point (no surprise here) to the points where her tank was hit in both ambushes. Is there any tag or pool for such references? No, I don't think "clever" - it's too blatant for that.

Jarlath said:

Taken out of context, the bottom right panel looks like a yuri scene in progress.

It looks so even in context

laisy said:

At this point, does Yukari still think she can infiltrate other schools without being recognized, especially with schools they fought with and fought together before?

you should read the Comic Anthology 1 ;-)

OMGkillitwithfire said:
It's Fujiko F Fujio, the artist of Doraemon.

You know, there are several GuP characters that share name with Doraemon ones. Maybe it was just not intentional at first (or maybe it was), but fans started making the conection, and it seems they finally decided to acknowledge it...

OMGkillitwithfire said:

Aki's shocked that it actually worked.

She shouldn't.