


This artist is the second one I've seen after Adrian Ferrer that appears to mostly draw girls with flat chests, even for those that normally have large breasts.

Kai Ni should have been from Old Kai's unlock ability. Now that would be a scene.

Disembodied Arms said:

Yaa- It's so fucking great boobs. I want to fuck about this all day long-

Fucking beautiful. Absolutely.

A proper English sentence, with the correct punctuation at the end. Now that is rare.

Of all the usual girls he could have drawn, young Erina, the Runaway Girl, younger Jolyne, Sugar Mountain, he chooses Foo Fighters. Good choice.

Nothing wrong with being sorted into Slytherin. Blame the bigots and backstabbing dicks in it.

I always love it when ultra-powerful characters use their abilities for the most mundane situations, like trying to pose as a parent and child at a school or restaurant.

Wakaura seems to be confusing Schofield with Blake in his description of the movie. Going by the poster, Sutzutsuki must have not beeen stabbed to death by the Abyssal ship she rescued.

ToastedWaffles said:

Wait, hold up. Did the Admiral gain boobs too?

I think it's a female T-head admiral, but I need a translation to make sure.

There's only one thing Zuikaku can do to prevent Crane from causing the bad future. Kill herself.

Not the most ideal shotgun to get for Christmas when you have to load it like a Colt Single Action Army and wind up the drum magazine like a toy every time you load it.