


earthsleep said:

They were talking about Jingei. She's a drop only from DJ-Hime's node

She also drops on Pre-boss nodes for phase 2, though the rate is pretty eh and as of now seems to be difficulty locked

Slysheen said:

All I can hear is:

"I am fluffy Von Aegir!"

Or "I am Ferdinyan Von Aegir!"

Demundo said:

Hell yeah, one of them is even a god creating a whole new world for crying out loud. Ain't no rangers doing that. Well, not that I know of.

Dunno about Sentai but Kamen Rider has one who did that canonically and some others are god-like entity

I always knew that the song has some connection with Sukuna & Seija but damn this hits me right in the feels. I'll never hear the song the same way again

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