


SerialBus500 said:

Malaysian here. The movement restriction order bores the hell out of me, to be honest, but there's nothing I can do even if I'm allowed to go out anyway.

Still amused (and grateful) that the artist'd be concerned about us here, though.

I'm glad you're good tho

exukvera said:

He would be perfect for the role.

The return of the Thin White Duke

sotonya said:

In Russia there is official Plovanov system, similar to Hepburn system for romanization. There is ongoing battle arround differences in some sounds, especially "shi" since in Polivanov system it should be trascribed as "си" (si) but some Japanese brands are already using english letters so something like "mitsubiSHI" causes confusion.
Also modern Japanese pronaunciation especially in Tokyo sounds nothing like russian "cи" (si) but rather like shoft "щи" (shchi). Some netisens of russia found this idea to be showhat funny and played arround - like here we have "щы" which is common kid-level russian spelling mistake. "Ы" itself writhen like letter "Ъ" which makes previous letter NOT soft.
Soooooo this picture is very meta

Thanks for saving me from making an embarrassing and incorrect correction post~

DerBurgerFuhrer said:

"And I vow, upon the Lord Helix that came before me, that I will do what is necessary and cull the human race."

Now is not the time to do that.

You shall be called Usul, which is the strength of the base of the pillar.

bunkhead said:

Somebody needs a Snickers.

You're not yuu when you're hungry

79248cm/s said:

Its called CAR (center axis relock). The idea was a method that allowed fast firing at close ranges while keeping the gun close in for retention. Conventionally, LEAs used to teach a kind of unsupported isosceles (some called it "tactical cqb" where the elbows are bent 90 degrees. The problem is the handgun (or at least the brass) would whip back into your face and you had essentially no isometric tension to control recoil.

CAR is intended to solve this, you are using a push push grip which is identical in function to the push pull grip of conventional weaver and isosceles stances. There are two versions of CAR intended for different situations, high and low. What is seen here is high, intended for normal shooting. Low is where the handgun is nestled near the abdomen and crushed keeping the gun in an extremely tight retention. An added benefit is that since your shooting stance is at an angle to your torso, the stance can be assumed easily even when wearing hard plates.

Cons: In low CAR you have a very high probability of shooting your elbow off if you don't pay attention. Also you aren't using your sights so you are effectively point shooting which generally is not advised except when the adversary is on you (in which case grappling and knife work is a lot smarter to do). Low CAR can be completely replaced with the speed rock.
In high CAR, the handgun is tilted at an angle. This means the muzzle rise is going to also be at an angle. This can really screw up some people's ability to put rounds on target fast and accurately. Personally, I do use CAR but a modified version where the sights are parallel with the ground like normal. It really does nothing to change the stance itself, and I really don't know why the founder (Paul Castle) didn't make it this way originally. It also prevents the cross eyed dominance issue. I also cock my non-firing elbow downward since it reduces the slight chance of shooting it as well as winging it does nothing to improve tension anyways.

Realistically, most situations will allow you to use a normal modern isosceles stance without having to resort to CAR. However, CAR does have its place as there are quite a few situations where you are peeking into cramped quarters to check things out, and it is nicer to have both hands on weapon than only one.

Another related note, lots of instructors teach based on "both eyes open" saying it reduces tunnel vision, but that is BS. Tunnel vision is a natural occurrence for our body to focus on the immediate threat. We actually train to encourage tunnel vision because we focus on the front sight or aiming point of our reticle when we make shots. Both eyes open will not expand your field of view, and will hinder you in the long run since when you switch shoulders, you are now cross eyed dominant which causes double vision especially when looking through a slightly magnified optic. Ambidextrous shooting is pooh poohed by some people but it is important because there are many situations where you are standing behind cover keeping an adversary in position. If that cover is covering your right and you can only shoot right handed you are SOL as the only way you will be shooting is totally exposed out of cover. Being able to wink both eyes clears up the double vision issue from cross dominance and ambidextrous shooting allows a more flexible use of the terrain available to you.

The isometric aspects of CAR do nothing much biomechanically to manage recoil; the gun will be driven up and back, bending at the bent elbow of your firing arm. If you're in proper CAR and holding the gun vertically, this will drive it into your forehead, which is why Castle has the gun canted for high CAR. It recoils over your shoulder instead.

For best recoil control in this stance you want to almost point your supporting elbow straight downrange. Our model's form is pretty poor; without that dead straight alignment of your arms you lose the isometric tension. It'll force you to blade off, too, which makes you a smaller target, but if you're in body armor you are best off squaring up and presenting the strike face of your vest instead of your flank.

As an instructor I don't teach CAR; any space too close for a standard stance is close enough for point shooting, and your sidearm is a weapon for getting out of situations, not into them.

slave2thedrago said:

Ruka was never in doubt about his gender he's just st gay plus he thinks things would be a whole lot easier if he was what he looked like

His main motivation was his love for okabe plus confidence and comfort in himself not gender identity. I have no idea why people have trouble understanding this when he spells it out at least 3 times

It's not like there's literally a major arc in the anime about this exact concept or anything, either.