


DeadW@nderer said:

May be this picture is the perverted prologue to the whole TH10: MoF. But we'll see after comment translation.

Shirosato seems to be referencing Forbidden Scrollery (鈴奈庵 is the Japanese title for it, and it's in the commentary).

Sacriven said:

Pretty sure they're referencing iconic horror characters, but I can only spot Jason and Freddy.

Junko seems to be Ghostface. Dunno bout the rest. (Fixed autocorrect)


GiantCaveMushroom said:

Is this part of pool #10322? I'm unsure.

Since it's not showing her about to cut anyone's hair then no. That is, unless the author says it's a part of the series or has a follow up picture involving Orin, her wheelbarrow, and haircuts.

Edit: it's probable, actually, as the most recent pics in that pool all show SA characters in stage order.

wahahahaha said:

Still waiting for Sakuya...

The real question is, will it come to PC?

I'm sure it will (officially or not). If not released for pc, the talented portion of the fanbase would probably find a way to port it over.

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