


dreambelayed said:

Added to "Hilarious in Hindsight" pool due to recent comments from the big orange idiot.

Context would be nice with what you mean by that.

Otherwise we will have to remove it from the pool.

Huh so basically the maze was somebodies attempt to help future residents.

The maze isn't there as a part of the anomaly or something that will kill you it was setup so that you won't notice the actual anomaly itself which only goes fully active once you pay attention to it.

NegativeSoul said:

Does it make it weird that if they "De-evolve" into their Rookie forms they're both cats? That would be an awkward moment after doing the deed.

I fail to see the problem there.

HunterNGames said:

This gets my approval for Medabots t-shirt.

I second that.

Always liked that show as a kid.

And does Angewoman know no shame!?

Hand holding while doing the deed!

How shameless!

What is up with her and having a metal bat?

Second skin so far and it still has one.

Kinda hoping she get a third one with the same bat and one of her lines is she's grown attached to it.

Here be the Waifu Kingdom ruled by the original best waifu herself.

Warning only step foot in this kingdom if you have the need to become a Waifu for your special someone as any and all changes that entering this kingdom is permanent and we will not take responsibility for any unwanted Waifu-fying reading this confirms you have been warned and take full responsibility of your Waifu-fying once you enter our kingdom.

cd_young said:

Is... that a stun/taser shield?

Now that would be an incredibly annoying shield.

Blocking the attack is not enough for you?

Then give your foe a shock of electricity with our new shock shields!

Random_Fanguy said:

Torn pantyhose! My one weakness! Well that's not true I have many really but still!

A civil war would explain why they were mostly absent from all the Siren fighting up until this point.

And why Avrora's gear is so different compared to theirs.

We can probably expect more ships that will be similar to Avrora in rigging or choose to have similar and somewhat older and outdated rigging like hers rather than the monstrous one's the rest have

Greyhowl said:

Oh my... those Heart shaped pupils

That is the only reason I need to try and get her now.

Just sucks that Hipper drained me dry.

I mean for christ sake I got Akagi and Gascogne to fully limit break But only got 1 hipper after 150 cubes!?

I thought the desire sensor was only a FGO thing Sei more than proves that for me right now.

blindVigil said:

Raccoon has had fuzzy bubbles since the very beginning, it's most likely just meant to be a general indication of an "off" tone of voice, which could be fatigue, impatience, fear, ect.

Which fit because it's the crazy carnivore thats speaking.