


Akebono could compete with Shimakaze in a game of speed.
Is this why they won't give her K2?
Is she that powerful?

oracle135 said:

I don't get it. Where are the doors and hallway supposed to be?

I assume the door mats represent where the doors will be.

Murakumo's bubble isn't translated as of the time of this comment.
But she better not be making fun of Bono not having K2...

NWSiaCB said:

I hope those destroyers are prepared for incoming huggles, because I'll be joining Nagato in this one...

Can't blame yah.
That's hard to resist...

Five years ago a doujin asked "So when is Akebono-chan's Kai Ni going to be released?"
Still waiting.

Gollgagh said:

Maybe something about "cranking one out" (assuming a hand crank generator)?

That's actually pretty smart and works in this situation.
Unless of course they meant a different kind of generator...