


UserAccount said:

No Villager or Pokemon Trainer either. I'd say maybe theyre including only female fighters, not variable-gender fighters, but both Inkling and Wii Fit Trainer are variable-gender.

Still some STUNNING artwork though!

Wii fit and inkling are female by default, pokemon, robin and corrin are male by defaut

MentallyUnstable said:

Question to you Danbooruers out there, how do you feel about this game?

I feel its pretty needless, especially if its canon. I would have liked a game showing Elizabeth going after the P3 Protagonist, or perhaps another devil survivor, maybe a DLC which adds 2 more months and an extra dungeon with perhaps Hifumi Togo as another member of the Phantom Thieves, or something like Catherine which was completely unique.

I'm sure this game will be good, and probably made by another developer, but I would've preferred something other than a dancing game.

Edit: That being said, if Persona Q 2 is that Elizabeth game I pitched, then I would be not as harsh towards this game.

is fanservice, the same as P3 dancing. But is a shame that they are not comming to switch

Rui_Ichida said:

welcome to the world of arc system works, ruby. where the everything is sometimes depressing and serious and other times goofy and chilled. i'm sure you'll fill right at home

honestly, she will die in a matter of seconds, speacilly if she meets people like hazama or the conclave

AntagonistChan said:

This one (and Ness's, for that matter, but this one a little bit more) seem more like Shadows than Personas.

Accordanly with the Persona's name, it's fit hers. Peach's persona is Andromeda, and in her tale, she was chained to a rock

Phuong said:

She's just happy to see you alive again.

The image is about krom birthday that's also her birthday

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