


Looks like we found bigfoot.
Seriously, why is the left foot so much bigger than the right

This greek is pretty bad.
Most of the alphabet is wrong & in the instances where κ shoud be used χ is used instead, as well as the mid-word σ being used at the end of a word instead of the last-letter ς.


Valentine322 said:

Well yes, both the "Angle" and "yuor" was part of the original meme.
Unless you actually were making fun of that, in which case ignore me.

I didn't know about that meme. Sonic memes tend to irritate me more than humour me. I completely understand Shadow's edge meme, though & think It's justified, unlike "hey guys, listen to this: Sanic, Big, Ugandan Knuckles.. Sonichu. Ha, lol funni, amirite?"

I like how the person that made this spelt your correctly the first time, then messed up the second time.
Also, I prefer Shadow at 90 degrees

Darkagma said:

I wouldn't call it "cute", but it's a sign of intimacy. Any wrong move can rupture your eardrum, so you have to trust the person doing it for you. In life, it starts with your parents doing it for you. It's somehow a form of bonding.

I'm a grown-up already, but whenever I visit my parents, I ask them to clean it for me. I find it relaxing and it is also more effective at cleaning, since the person can actually see the flakes in there.

Most East Asians have dry/flaky earwax, so it's nowhere as disgusting as the wet stuff you clean with cotton swab. It's also only painful if the ear pick pokes on something sensitive.

I remember my grandad always told me that the best sign of intimacy is being able to comfortably fart openly in the vicinity of your lover & it having no consequences. Why don't we see this being portrayed more often?

NegativeSoul said:

Kinda want to give her a head pat, but I think that'd be rude.

& Nintendo wouldn't allow it

Should company connection be tagged?
Shantae started out as a capcom game on the game boy colour.