


rpgman1 said:

Politics using archaic laws to uphold morality. Preposterous and hypocritical of them. Nevertheless, we salute sadpanda for being with us for so long and now there isn't any other site to rely on.

Also died before the start of C96, which is a major letdown since there aren't other sites that are as reliable as sadpanda when it comes to the latest content.

E-H is still alive and people are still able to post something in there, so I won't be pessimistic yet.

Chiera said:

So you let it be decided by one user?
Well, that is quite a bummer then, but if you think you get happy with that: Go ahead. I won't stop you.
But it could also be a chance to turn the tables and compete with Randeel. It will require some time and effort, though.
I think I need to tell you this, though: You shouldn't let your "fate" be decided by one user. Maybe the user is omnipresent regarding this copyright, but there are still posts that you might want to drag away.
Have you by the way ever talked to Randeel about this topic. Maybe it is better to complain at him directly instead of writing a salty comment under a post and I'm honest here: I could have gotten it, but I let another user upload it. So it's not like Randeel is always the fastest user.

Talking to him is useless. His obsession with Touhou can tell you why.
Well yes, there are another copyrights but sadly, I'm struggling too. There are users other than randeel that uploads in matter of seconds, correct? Like you, for example.

Honestly, in the first place I'm uploading here just for fun. But now, it grews shittier so fast and I'm began to be affected by it. Better stop as quickly as I can.

nonamethanks said:

I don't know if you're serious, but all of us (including Randeel) save for very few exceptions use Distill to monitor webpage changes. Unless you have an extremely bad connection there's no way you can't run this extension. And even then there's other alternatives like querying pixiv's api with a very basic self-written python script (which is what I went for).

I browse on a 300 kb/s DL & 20 kb/s UL connection and yet I still manage to regularly upload pool:curated content at pixiv rush hour. If you want to survive as a top uploader you have to adapt. Crying over others' uploads is not going to help you.

Thanks for the tips, but enough is enough, sorry.
Good bye.

Garrus said:

Here's a better question. What does it matter who uploads what, so long as it gets uploaded in the first place?

You don't know how toxic the current uploading system currently be. The old grows stronger, and the young grows withered and die.

well, not like I want you to understand.

nonamethanks said:

All you need is Distill to compete with fast uploaders.

Distill? Give up, you mean? I see...that solution isn't bad.
Oh, I got downvoted. Not like I care though.

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