


KillRoB-XV said:

Scary sex tag.

Just sounds like rape with extra steps but ok.

by US legal definition, this is not rape. i don't know why, don't even ask

aragstain said:

Google Translate...

Winter warmth
Introduction The headmasters of Guangxi University are all shit, fucking your mother's cancellation test, I am not an art student, just want to mix a university to pack yourself and be embarrassed. Obviously this society is paying attention to the packaging does not look at the strength, as long as you will sing rap, you will not want to be an nba ambassador. I want to say that the notebook color of the grass mud horse, the introduction plus this sentence, there is, the wolf label remembers

the hell, usually google translates mandarin way better

so is she winning by a landslide or what? "current events" pool is unfair, it should require an explanation be put in

79248cm/s said:

Yeah, the split "open front" kind. Most that are sold at stores look like shit, you have to get a custom order with a more chemise style design and especially if they omit the excessive use of the tacky lace design, a more conservative cut on the back (the ones that go down the butt just look stupid) and they look really great. Put it in white and splurge for actual silk with a breathable weave (which makes it subtly transparent, but not quite where you can see anything. I think in the industry it is called crepe de china or something like that). Pair it with some white kneesocks (sophisticated tastes may choose the fashionable single kneesock for sampling purposes), a thigh band and a pony/side tail and it is top tier, flawless victory, great success.

wow, that's super specific. ordered some for yourself before?