


A Watamote-only fan event in Kyoto, it seems? Kind of fitting, seeing how the turnaround came due to the Kyoto trip.

Can you imagine the cast of the series becoming this big a few years ago? Its amazing.

Myrrhmidon said:

This is based on Chapter 161 of the manga. She's already a senior at this point.

Yep Tomoko really is that much of a shrimp compared to all her friends.

Random_Fanguy said:

Is Kii-chan compatible with anyone really?

Probably with a baseball bat... Stained with the blood of her onee-chan's "friends".

Random_Fanguy said:

You make it sound so easy.

Take note Tomoko usually uses the term "mama" in the context of a senior cabaret hostess whenever she refers to Asuka.

By the way, according to the artist, there's a THIRD page to this, but its not available online. :)

Random_Fanguy said:

Is their enemy the Sun?

There's an image before this of Asuka shining like the sun. Hope to post it as well for context.

I have to say, Shiratama does the flattest Asuka fanart ever. Everyone kind of interpret that, being the beauty that she is, Katou is quite busty.

NWSiaCB said:

Then, it seems to wind up getting closer and closer to the kind of harem show (even if the main character is technically female) of the exact same type as the series started off bashing simply by sheer Flanderization of the original premise.

I think people are seeing a harem when there really isn't one. We have exactly ONE girl who wants to get into Tomoko's pants (Uchi); the rest are friends with their own sets of neuroses (Yuri is an introvert with attachment issues; Masaki is a delinquent with a Peter Pan complex; Mako has Chronic Hero syndrome; Nemo is very manipulative and likes to pokes Kuro's buttons), or acquaintances of said friends (Asuka is the class mom; Akane is a bully hunter).

Monki said:

Could someone please fill me in on what has been happening in the manga to result in artists drawing Tomoko with a crazy yuri harem?

Technically, only Ucchi has shown any kind of romantic interest in Tomoko. Everyone else are just friends (Tomoko now has four -- Yuri, Masaki, Mako, and Nemo) or mildly interested in Tomoko's weirdness (Asuka, Akane).

nintendofreak768 said:

Is pink her canon hair color? I always imagined her having blonde hair.

Nemo's hair color in volume 12 was a very light brown, almost pink in fact.