


Added the parody tag because she's doing the OreImo pose. Don't know if I should tag the series as well.

Maxmizer said:

Try to listen Hammer doing live-cast on Nicovideo. She's a woman.

Makes sense. Hammer always has the most believable characterizations for her touhous. Now I know why.

Jesus christ I thought the jewel-looking cost thing was her mouth and that this was some horrific nightmare fuel depiction of her.

That's not Reimu, it's her OC granddaughter Reiya. She's the spitting image of Reimu, though, so maybe the tag should stay?

Zaku_Zelo said:

How unusually perceptive of him.

More like he knows she doesn't have any other subscribers.

cremefraiche said:

Ooh, Nagatoro... How can she be so adorable? Let's hope there are no accidents on the beach.

You're kidding, right? There's no way she'll pass up the opportunity to almost down him.

From the thumbnails I thought he was getting kicked in the balls over and over. While it's still been cringe-inducing, the actual location of the kicks was a pleasant surprise.

The clothes getting soaked with sweat, especially for the guy, who's getting put through that, is a nice additional detail.

Tagged all of the pieces except the dragon. Hopefully someone who's done some raids can identify which one it is.

In context of the series it means she's fat because she's always pigging out on food, even when she was in the womb. It sounds like it's parodying an adage, but I may just be thinking of "born with a silver spoon in her mouth," which I'm pretty sure doesn't sound the same in Japanese if it even has a Japanese equivalent in the first place.