


Je donne ce souvenir à ma petite Sylvia que je considère comme ma petite soeur. Qu'en regardant cette image elle y voit la paix […] simplicité et […] Jésus et de […]

“I give this souvenir to my little Sylvia, who I consider like my little sister. That in seeing this picture she’ll find peace […] simplicity and […] Jesus and […]”

It looks like it's the same block of text reproduced 4 times. But yeah, even so, it's incomplete, because there are some parts that are never completely revealed. Anyway, translation done, for what it's worth.

Wonder if I should bother putting the translation in. I mean, it doesn't really have any significance; it's just the name of the shop.

Personally, Kasumi appeals to me as a tomboy, and Hikari appeals to me as an innocent pseudo-loli.

“What are the odds all 3 gotta pee at the same time?”

“Women living together can end up with synchronized periods, so maybe Ivalice's ladies have even further effectable anatomy?”

Nah. When you’re traveling and someone has to make a “pit stop”, it’s just convenient for everybody to go at the same time.

Meh, save the complaining for after you’ve helped with the translation.

I haven’t watched this anime or played the games, so I can’t be too sure on these…

“Armure de l’atome de l’esprit” = “Spirit Atom Armor”

“1/24 équipement de la construction d’échelle” = maybe Babelish for “1:24 scale model”

“La portlait de Mademoiselle Josephine”

Should really be:
“Le portrait de Mademoiselle Josephine”

Which transliterates to:
“The Portrait Of Miss Josephine”

Better said as:

  • “Miss Josephine’s Portrait” or maybe
  • A Portrait Of Miss Josephine”
  • 1
  • 2