


Sometime later Cerberus girl are passed out on the ground surrounded by broken "toys" and Azazel tied to the chair with an expecting look on her face. "Hey you three aren't done yet are you? I've never even tried saying the safe word."

Sereptim said:

Just wait until they start kissing her on the cheek.

No worst...Eskimo Kisses!

Isn't odd that the "Lustful" demon seems to have the most covering her? Not that I'm complaining.

"What? You said wanted the biggest cup of coffee I could get you so I got you a 7-eleven big gulp mug."

Abbentt said:

And ladies and gentlemen, that is how Fallen Angels came into existence.

Azazel: "And that's how I became the first fallen angel in history."
Lucifer: "Oh...HEY WAIT A MINUTE!"

NegativeSoul said:

I suppose it was bound to happen eventually. Living with a bunch of demon girls can only stay wholesome for so long.

She took the test after they only held hands.

Time for him to preform his special finishing move on her.

Gently holding her hand!

NegativeSoul said:

I hope there's a sequel where you go to heaven and try to get a bunch of angel girls in a harem.

Or the Angels come to earth to confiscate the Demon harem, then Helltaker has to rescue them in heaven while winning over Angels as well.

I can imagine a sequel would start where the game ended and reveal that the cops are actually angels disguised.


usuallydead said:

*kneels down so Remi can headpat me*

Well played you Mad lad.

Byleth: "Why is it when something bad happens, it's always you three?"

Am I a bad person to imagine her doing the winter lantern humming to help them sleep?

Can't help but hear scanty and kneesocks' theme in my head watching this.

NegativeSoul said:

Bowsette, Savior of Waifu.

Bowsette: "Your Waifu is in Another Castle. Happy, safe, and far from you!"

FallschirmPanzerGewehr said:

Detective Pikachu
They knew

Detective Pikachu with pineapple and olive pizza with a burnt crust. "Awesome only one thing that'll left to make this perfect." pulls out a bottle of ketchup with a straw in it.

Котенок said:


"Oh yeah well you mom g[blasted by light while Lifelight plays]