


Hey...Sorry for letting you guys down. I've been kept really busy at work, so when I go home and isn't dead tired I just end up playing video games like a piece of shit lol.

My primary motivation in uploading this stuff is to get other people interested in these series I like, and I'm really glad you guys enjoy reading it with me. Maybe I'll guilt-trip myself into finishing what I started, but right now I feel like being as unproductive as possible.

Just @ me if you want to reach me, thanks.

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  • Thanks @ChefMurky for putting the chapters together so I can upload them easier.

    I'll try to make up for the lack of translations in the past two months (due to me spending all my free time on video games). Again, I welcome folks to help upload, tag and translate since I can be quite lazy sometimes, lol.

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  • @NWSiaCB said:

    I don't know, perhaps the unseen butler or headservant has a maid harem?

    Incidentally, I just realized that this world would lack one of the social repercussions of a society accepting of harems (i.e. Saudi Arabia), such as a gender imbalance caused by the upper classes taking all the women, as women are always available so long as there are people.

    However, this may also mean there's few cross-class marriages or even more inbreeding akin to the European dynasties of the past (assuming the male and female bodies share genes). For regular people, at least.

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  • Alavaria said:

    That nearly explains how Tiamat knew who to grab for her orb-of-elf-power mission :)

    I suspect Tiamat also has a preference for young effeminate boys, given her way of confirming Atlanta's gender, lol.

    Incidentally, this is one of my favourite chapters, even though it's not as plot-dense as the others.

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  • NWSiaCB said:

    The inevitable downside of having a harem filled with barbarians that solve all their problems by shooting first and asking questions later... Not that Tenchi Muyo GXP didn't have the same plot.

    Not to mention many of them he got because they think he's easy to beat. Turns out genderswapping bullies turns them into female bullies.

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  • @NWSiaCB said:
    I guess that's the advantage of using foreign language names, though, in that they sound exotic even when they're dirt-common in their native tongue.

    I did think about adding some "impact" you mentioned by taking some liberty in translating the names (e.g. Mickey Wilson -> Michi Wyerson), but ultimately decided against it. It's the artist's story, after all. The characters are his.

    That said, if you think any of my quite literal translations could be made to flow better in English, feel free to make those changes.

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  • @Alavaria said:

    Considering one you has your male body's balls demolished, and the other's is minutes away from death, this is probably not the greatest proposal.

    Yep, much worse for Roland. At least Tagarou could probably get someone to heal his balls.

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  • @NWSiaCB said:

    Half-elves have explosive strength, without the long term endurance or durability of beastmen. So he can use his freakish strength in short bursts, but not in things like long distance running or lifting.

    Come to think of it, it's possible that he could tear a muscle if he push too hard. Luckily, there's Roland.

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  • @NWSiaCB said:

    That's a possibility! We haven't seen him be so scared of actual sex to reject Mickey herself though, so perhaps he just doesn't like the idea of snusnu with a wolfwoman in heat with sharp claws and possibly twice his weight. Roland hasn't shown any interest in him either, nor he in her.

    Really, although Atlanta does officially have a harem, it's clear he favours Mickey over everyone else. We'll see if this changes.

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  • @NWSiaCB said:

    Mickey clearly feels repressed by her mother's dominant influence on her life. She has been passively accepting thus far, though.

    You are right, we don't have any idea what her mother really thinks of this, at this point.

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  • @NWSiaCB said:

    I believe it was previously said that he wants to pork her (and have 10 kids), but wants Mickey to initiate it. Think it was in the chapter where they chase after Tagarou along with Roland.

    So it's not really untrue, just more that he's patiently waiting (while mooching off living in Mickey's house).

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  • @MMaestro said:

    No problem! I think it's quite funny as well, which is why I'm sharing it and translating so you guys can enjoy it too.

    I think for a comedy series, the artist spent some extra time developing the setting, which is rare but good.

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  • @NWSiaCB said:

    I believe that you have to engage in a duel first, even if you immediately surrender your egg once the duel starts. The two who swapped their eggs also "dueled", which Charles mentioned by saying Tucker hit her too hard.

    Dressing up is an attempt to seduce the King. They can't turn into women until after they give up the egg, after all.

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