


Never really got why they're so unpopular.
Come on, harvest / fertility gods... that's just awesome.

Also, Shizuha is love.

Yeah, whatever.

I never expected anyone of you to actually reason
against me instead of banning me to begin with.

Better put a big flashing sign "nonconforming opinions
are wrong and will be punished" on the index, just
so people don't get the wrong idea.

Manifest said:
better get rid of all the pokemon art that doesn't exclusively feature a human then, hyuck hyuck

silly children get mad at people for liking something different: the movie

Oh look, a strawman argument. How sophisticated, really.
You don't even have a clue what furry means, kid.

Gardevoir in Pokemon canon is only *slightly* humanoid, with no sexual signs whatsoever. The images gardevoirfags upload purposely change the depiction by adding secondary sexual signs and some other human traits. This is pretty much what furfags do with animals, and just by looking at it, as long as you aren't terminally retarded, you should be able to tell the difference between those two.

I like sarcasm, but if you're trying to be sarcastic while defending something stupid, it makes you look like a complete idiot.

As for the "liking something different", if they liked IRL porn, would it, by your flawless logic, give them the right to upload it on DB? Better take your happy pills, bro.

22ndTG said:
Why 105mm? Even now 105mm cannon is outmatched by large calibers such as NATO's 120mm and Russian 125mm. How could that tank from 100 years later still use 105mm?

With well designed APFSDS, 20 or so milimeter difference
in caliber is almost irrelevant to the actual performance.

KitsuneHanyo said:
Natto, in particular, has a horrible stench

Some people say the same thing about miso.
It's pretty individual.

22ndTG said:
That's NOT AK-47...
That's Puşcă Automată model 1986 (PA md 86) or AIMS-74 (export name)

No, it's not.

AIMS-74 has a straighter mag (5.45x39) and 74-style muzzle brake. This is PM md. 90 (Pistol Mitralieră model 1990), basically an AK-47 clone, so the AK-47 tag is apropriate.