


doesnt help that Thunder's potrayal in the DJmax event also paints her as a very "Glass half empty" type of person. Except its not even half empty, Thunder seems pretty pessimistic and the glass if all empty.

No you're right. Normally every Depiction of the Neck Youkai i always seen myself usually potrays them as being able to retract their neck back into their body.

I've never seen a version where their long neck is long all the time.

The original Version is supposed to be able to blend into Human society and even take up the position of someone else.

i mean there was a scene where she wants Barret and Cloud to go in front of her just so she wouldn't give them a panty shot.

Have to admit, glad and surprised to see other girl actually care. Thought she was just gonna be the pure "Bully type".

DarthPlumber said:

If it's their wedding night, why the condoms? Do they Not want kids?

To be fair, its normal for couples to not be ready for kids till at least 1 year into their marriage. If they also are gonna start living together, thats also the "newlywed transitional period" too.

Although in modern times, its more common now for couples to already start living together before marriage.

T-dolls can literally lift a truck. Sten has done that in canon and shes one of the weaker non main character dolls. To be exact, Sten punch'd a Jeep/car stoping it in it's tracks.

If i'm allowed to talk about main characters though. STAR15 hols 2 ARs in 1 hand each after her MOD with perfect accuracy, recoil be damn and SOPMODII is capable of cutting through concrete with her bare hands.

As far as "real weapons in the real world" are concerned. The answer to your question isnt usually weight. Its Recoil. Recoil is pretty much what's stopping most people from juggling guns around beyond movie magic Gun-kata stuff.

persocom01 said:

even in western countries, tattoos are looked upon by social conservatives as a mark of a rebel or damaged individual. It is a sign that someone lacks impulse control, doesn't possess christian values or just generally as a sign of disdain for social order. Of course, the more liberal a society is, the more accepting people are of such things. You're likely to find people more accepting of tattoos in big cities than in small towns.

what about cultures that get "markings"? Those are tattoos? Many Indian cultulres have those cool ass shit on their armos and back all the time. When i say Indian, i mean India/Iran and such. Not the American Indians.

Here in Thailand, we have a lot of that too. Its part of our culture.

There is a very big bias about Tattoos between Japanese vs American. You pretty much CANT have a tattoo in japan at all unless you're a downright criminal. At least thats the public perception of it.

America is MUCH MORE LAX. Anyone can get a Tattoo in America and they will be amongst the nicest people you will ever meet.

Working in retail and convention halls, My bosses and co-workers have almost all had dye'd hair and tattoos. no criminal activity and the nicest people in the world.

My 2nd boss had a Dragon Tattoo on her arm. Mother of 4, one of her kids a straight A Student. Is she smoking pot or selling drugs? Nope, she just got it cause she thought it was cool. Actually now that i think about, in Recent years, i think half of my co-workers have all had tattoos.

But in Japan, there is still the Stigma that only Yakuza have it.

Look at the wall, his eyes kinda change expression as Racoon is doing it. Can't tell if he's dissapointed she solved it or not.

This reminds me of an argument here from another artist who made his own OC Touhou. Who was "just happened to look like Reisen" but it was his own "Rabbit Youkai". The comments was basically one big argument on whether to tag it as Reisen or not despite the artist saying its his own OC.

Sigfried666 said:

Somwehere on the internet, I was told that the lie spread because of Bugs Bunny, and that the carrot in his hand was to give off a ba-boy impression, like a man holding a cigarette.

But it was the internet, who can tell if that's true...

You're half right. It was literally just an old movie reference. Thats it. It was only supposed to be a 2 second throw away gag the first time Bugs ate the carrot. It wasn't supposed to be a part of his personality.

It kinda got meme'd before memes were a thing though so the movie reference stuck around so long that the younger kids don't even know the movie reference anymore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Happened_One_Night

Mitsunari_Kazama said:

So this is kinda like getting lower prices by lying that you're newlyweds?

That's new to me, ngl

To be fair, this is also the same as "platonical friends" trying to go to restuaurants as couples cause the food industry is notorious for always having couple's discount.

Even more so for have a spcecial menu only couples can even order.

Movie theatres do the same thing to. Discount tickets for couples.

Frawnkenstein said:

Toilet paper scarcity?

Artifically. Only cause everyone is buying them in bulk. The actual manufactuars are still making them just fine. And the only reason people really started buying them is cause its another Corona virus scare. People legit think their country gonna die.

azurelorochi said:

You'd wonder why would there ever be a need for a car in the Pokemon world at all.

actually i can see the appeal. Putting aside trucks for shipping purposes. My car wont ask me to feed it or take care of it. You gotta remember that Pokemon are essentailly pets after all. Also, you just can't beat picking up your girl in your car where you can talk in piece without your your riding pokemon getting tired and shit.

cd_young said:

Please tell me the idiot who ductaped that banana to the wall didn't seriously try and dupe some idiot of out $120k.

Have you never met Rich Art snobs? 120k is a little low in fact. Someone shoudl have bought it for half a million saying how it changed their life and how enriched they feel after buying it.

slave2thedrago said:

They literally put it in the trailer. Since when was stuff they actually out in the trailer and showed you would be in the game not been I. The ga-oh

The entirety of ffxv

Never mind. Valid fear.

Warcraft 3 Reforged......yea easy target but its true. ALl their previous trailers are NOT in the actual released game.

this is completely dependent on art style. Saying "Anime" style doesn't mean much. Noses work great on 80s or 90s style. Noses don't look so good on Chibi style. Which is what this picture is.

.musouka said:

Not that there's anything wrong about that, but gou blushes a lot and has really nice eyelashes so fandom apparently went and rolled with it. There was also some discussion on gender early on as well?

it was assumed Gou was gonna be a girl cause well...all of Ash's companions have been girls. When the first art came out, we still assumed Gou cause he's already pretty feminine. Even when the animators said Gou was in fact male, damage was already done.