


I would take both Flamebringer and Melantha, if I was an doctor. They shouldn't fight for who's the best guard.

79248cm/s said:

Considering how easy she is to grind, Destroyer is super not intimidating. But if she fired as fast in game as she did in the Polarized Light trailer, she would be super OP. Like just as bad, if not worse as those white mechs (I forgot what they are called, KCCO something).

On another note; it kind of makes sense that she could easily demolish KCCO mechas/dolls. She could totally destroy them in game because they don't have any EVA. Her damage is actually retarded strong, but her ACC sucked.

Is Vicky doing the introduction of zombie dogs in Resident Evil ?

Claverhouse said:


I concur.

So when the Soviet mask falls....she's a raging Tsarist (lesbian)?