


Yaay! Bundeswehr! There's a Wiesel 1 (MK20), a Wiesel 1 (TOW) and a Wiesel 2 SanTrp (from front to rear). 84+38 is a CH53G from Jagel. 71+53 is a Bell UH1D from Hohn near Rendsburg. The real 84+92 is a CH53, but this is a CH53K. That model is considered by the Bundeswehr, a request for buying 41 is pending. The heli on the ground seems to be a CH53, but it looks strange somehow.
I like, how Mikeran used existing individual helicopters as motif, especially because they are from Schleswig-Holstein.


Date Rating Safe Score 15

I believe thats Destroyer with Soppu not Dreamer, and Nyto Iso (Thats not her name...) should be Dandelai, other then those 2, everybody else is tagged correctly.