


Luftwaffe1941 said:

Translation please.

I've been translating some previous skits, I'll try to reach this one later this month.

Kaito_Fugiwara said:

Given how many a JRPG and Japan in general seem to often have trouble telling the difference between Dragons and Dinosaurs, I can easily imagine she has a Anti Dragon skill similar to Seigfried. Which funnily enough, would help her with her true love King Arthur. Which if we are continuing the trend of mixing Dragons with Dinosaurs, would be a reason she is into Arthur, as in game all the Pendragons have the Dragon attribute.

I think an early profile outright called her a "monster hunter" or something along those lines. Which makes sense; a paleontologist is essentially the closest thing to a modern-day monster hunter we have. It's why a lot of people initially thought she was Van Helsing. It would also make sense for why she was able to do so much damage to Gudako. Gudako is thousands of years old (which Lancer has a preference for), and she's definitely a monster.

(Also, Anning wasn't really a dinosaur type. Her most famous discoveries were all marine reptiles, with the occasional fish, invertebrate, or pterosaur. In fact, for most of her career, the term "dinosaur" didn't even exist yet.)


Kaito_Fugiwara said:

Given how many a JRPG and Japan in general seem to often have trouble telling the difference between Dragons and Dinosaur

It's because the Japanese word(as well as Chinese) for dinosaurs is 恐竜, using the kanji meaning "terror dragon".

They aren't "having trouble" telling difference between extinct animals and nonexistent animals, it's basically the same as people saying "dragon exist in real life because Komodo dragons".

Unbreakable said:

Oh, so she was already Thor.

We know she isn't Thor cause Thor's hammer doesn't look like that in Fate

Beatrice from Kaield has Thor's hammer and has Magni's card

Goldenevil5 said:

We know she isn't Thor cause Thor's hammer doesn't look like that in Fate

Beatrice from Kaield has Thor's hammer and has Magni's card

He wasn't speaking literally, we already know who she is

Could be one of Thor's goats
She has the horns for it
But yea, we have a pretty good idea of who she is

Mamizou said:

Could be one of Thor's goats
She has the horns for it
But yea, we have a pretty good idea of who she is

Her horns are fossils

I would say we have more of just an idea at this point. I dunno if any official word has been provided, but quite literally everything she's done has only pointed to one person. It would be weird to expect her to be anyone else.

NegativeSoul said:

Kind of makes me wonder where they get all the money for this stuff?

What we don't see is all the other cloned Giant Otters working part-time jobs outside to fund everything.

These iterations of equipment layouts ended with their users as they were too expensive, dangerous, or complicated for little gain. This is despite the fact that the cloning chamber also restores the gear of the lost subject.

I think that we could all use a really stupidly long extending stick in our lives.

NWF_Renim said:

What we don't see is all the other cloned Giant Otters working part-time jobs outside to fund everything.

That must be what the ones who lose there nerve do, get sent to work part time to support the Expedition crews.

Reisentanith said:

That must be what the ones who lose there nerve do, get sent to work part time to support the Expedition crews.

That's actually really smart. Well... better than being exiled..

NWF_Renim said:

What we don't see is all the other cloned Giant Otters working part-time jobs outside to fund everything.

For a second I thought you were going to say "all the other Giant Otters getting their organs sold on the black market."