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Is this a reference to "Star Trek, The Original Series, Trouble with Tribbles"?

sanitaeter said:

Is this a reference to "Star Trek, The Original Series, Trouble with Tribbles"?

I'm thinking Wrath of Khan and the Cetian eels.


How have the Abyssals not taken over the planet by now? They have access to legit mind control technology.

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Bee4570 said:

Shouldn't have taken the helmet off. Now your face is gonna get prrrrrrrrrrrrragnent.

Or maybe "Pregante"!
Or "pregananant".

Bee4570 said:

Shouldn't have taken the helmet off. Now your face is gonna get prrrrrrrrrrrrragnent.

That, is how the I-class face-hugger do.

PensivePencil said:

That, is how the I-class face-hugger do.

Sigfried666 said:

Or maybe "Pregante"!
Or "pregananant".

I laughed while reading in ZeFrank1 voice.

I still don't understand why some operators have only a self morale recovery skill, it's completely useless.

blindVigil said:

I still don't understand why some operators have only a self morale recovery skill, it's completely useless.

Because like IRL, if you don't have predisposition for it, cheering people/making a small talk/generally making people happy took a lot outta you.