


I used to hate all furry with a passion mainly because alot of what I saw way back when was looney toons looking art. I slowly started to warm up to it thanks artists like Kishibe and charaters like Koko here.

I'm not fully in the furry camp though, I judge it individually on an image by image basis. I like Koko and some of Kishibe's other works but some others not so much.

I am rather surprised that Kishibe seemingly hasn't done any new art of his own for Koko in a long time. Now she seems to have been adotped by Kida Kuro and I'm thankful for it I'd hate to see a cute fox girl be forgotten.

Date Rating Safe Score 13

I really want a Nekopara style spin off with the Mutsuki destroyers working in a meido cafe. Complete with R18 patch for those "in heat" moments.

Monki said:

I really want a Nekopara style spin off with the Mutsuki destroyers working in a meido cafe. Complete with R18 patch for those "in heat" moments.

>Mutsuki class