


On Pixiv, Pudge commented "drawing the other witches with their respective countries flags", which knocked me off my rails, I always thought she was Irish!

IronFly said:

On Pixiv, Pudge commented "drawing the other witches with their respective countries flags", which knocked me off my rails, I always thought she was Irish!

She's Irish-American.

The struggle is real.Took my mask off today in the bathroom and BLOOP the mask sent my glasses straight into the toilet.

... on the bright side, Sumireko now has a lot of “vacation” days and doesn’t have to bother about the schools and stuff (minus the online classes), soo, she can be on her pjs/sleepwear all the time (minus in the online classes) and Can snooze a lot without a care in the world and be in Gensokyo all time she wants! (Except when she wakes up though...)

The_Vault_Dweller said:

Anyone who wears glasses knows this too well.

You know there is a type of mask that hangs by your neck and you just lift it to use it like a mask! Their called " gators " or something. It really helps me because it covers the back of your neck from sunburns and I am whiter than white and get sunburns instead of tanning.

What's keeping the fabric so closely adhered to her lower stomach, and not just falling straight down right below the belt?

Put into the current events pool both because of covid and Min Min getting into Smash Bros Ultimate.

I love how even though this is only based on smash bros, they still put only in characters with masks! ( I can tell it's only smash bros because their are actually facemasks in splatoon )