

Date Rating Safe Score 3

MP!Kashima goes to inspect the Foreign Dorm and almost immediately greeted by Bismarck in Jojo pose.

This is goin' to be good.

Bisko = Joseph Joestar's pose

Black Kashima = Giorno Giovanna's pose

Bisko pointing = Phoenix Wright's famous point Objection!

badasssalazar said:
wait where did she get that ice

does it really matter where it came from?
i would eat ANYTHING from her ^_^

badasssalazar said:
wait where did she get that ice

I see your point. Let's say it's an elemental talent, rather than a biological one. Then we can all share shaved ice without concern.

Wait--where did she get that red syrup?!!

10half said:

I see your point. Let's say it's an elemental talent, rather than a biological one. Then we can all share shaved ice without concern.

Wait--where did she get that red syrup?!!

The answer is, she made this in cooking class, so probably there

Something seemed familiar about this picture, but I had to flip through my Nitori pics for a while to find the one that I had seen before.