


Blindga said:

This is madness. How could people believe this? A virus caused by a network sounds like something out of science fiction. Have these people gone insane?

When there are people who want to exploit the fear and anger of certain other groups of people you end up with stupidity like this. They're looking for a boogeymen monster to blame their problems on instead of understanding that this pandemic is an unfortunate reality of the world. Doesn't mean we can't make it better, but we also must accept the losses that come with it. And also unfortunately you'll also find people who love to make the situation worse for their own gain, even if it makes not a lick of sense to do so.

You know what's really terrible? This wouldn't be the first time something like this happened. Definitely wouldn't be the last either.

NegativeSoul said:

When there are people who want to exploit the fear and anger of certain other groups of people you end up with stupidity like this.

I've always wondered if there's any way to actually locate these people. Not the ones who post videos with their real faces or tweets with their personal accounts but people who create the fake alerts that get circulated. Would be interesting to discover and expose their real identities.

Blindga said:

This is madness. How could people believe this? A virus caused by a network sounds like something out of science fiction. Have these people gone insane?

In the 1990's, there were court cases filed under the assertion that cellphones causes cancer.

Aren’t Chinese companies handling a lot of 5g tower business? If so, then the thought process of these people may be: 5g towers -> Chinese company -> Covid-19 starting and not being contained initially in China.

Claverhouse said:

Delicious atmosphere. One can almost taste the rain.

*sticks tongue out*

I mean, it's not that hard given the circumstances

seikenshin said:

oh she's a cow girl, we don't have any of those yet

What? We do, Croissant is one.

Iorsfel-tan said:

We do
Vulcan and Croissant

Probably meant cowgirl as in cow characteristic + tig ol biddy.